Hope Notes
Hope Notes features periodic announcements and news of activities relevant to the community of Village of Hope Niagara – News of changes affecting our clients, volunteers, and supporters regarding our programs of assistance and empowerment, food bank, and thrift store serving the communities of Lincoln, Beamsville, Jordan, Vineland, Campden, and area in Niagara Region.


September is Hunger Action Month in Canada
September is Hunger Action Month every year. It is a nationwide campaign dedicated to raising awareness about hunger and taking action to address food insecurity.
Donations of food or funds are appreciated always, but on Saturday, September 23 in-person donors will receive a special gift of thanks from us to you…

Village of Hope Niagara Impact August 2023
We're here, for those who need... year round, our Village of Hope Niagara is working to alleviate food insecurity, and share Hope with our community... during August we made a difference in the lives of almost 1700 Lincoln residents, made possible by donors like you.
• We registered 14 Lincoln families as clients, 3 seniors, and 4 individuals
• Provided 64 families, or individuals, with pre-registration, emergency support food access…

Village of Hope Niagara Garden of Hope continues with support of TD Canada and Mazon Canada
Good things are growing at Village of Hope Niagara. With funding from an TD Friends of the Environment grant, and additional support from our friends at MAZON Canada our Garden of Hope continues to provide fresh vegetable for our client families, until the last frost has spoken, and it beds down for the long winter rest. Thank you also to all

Heritage Village social for Village of Hope Niagara’s Back To School
Village of Hope Niagara is thankful for the continuing support of the Heritage Village community and yesterday's Social, raising funds of support for our Back To School program. With our heartfelt thanks to the residents for their generosity, Calamus Estate Winery for their donation of wines for the evening, and the Lincoln Concert Band for their performance! It takes a Village...

Joyce Family Foundation supports Village of Hope Niagara Back To School campaign
Village of Hope Niagara extends our heartfelt gratitude to the Joyce Family Foundation for their recent donation of $10,000 in support of our Back To School campaign. This will ensure our ability to provide educational and support resources throughout the year, for the children

Thank you Lincoln for making August 26 SummerShare Food & Funds Drive a Community Success
Village of Hope Niagara :: Food Bank : Thrift Store were delighted to report, that once again, our community rose to the occasion making our SummerShare 2023 Food and Fundraising in August such an overwhelming success for our community. Individuals and groups came together to volunteer, and to share, but mostly to care, and it made a difference again. Thank you all so much.

Village of Hope Niagara busy with the return of children to class
"Village of Hope Niagara has seen a sharp increase in the number of kids needing their help for back to school over the last few years. Cheryl Keddy-Scott, who is CEO of the Lincoln organization, said in 2018 they helped about 80 kids. This year, they’re helping 447. The non-profit charity acts as a food bank, but also has a 24-hour emergency line.

Village of Hope Niagara Catch The Ace is coming in October.
Catch The Ace Lincoln Vohn is a progressive raffle operated by/and benefiting Village of Hope Niagara for its programs alleviating food insecurity, and more. Weekly draws will take place each Thursday until the Ace of Spades is found. Coming in October!

SummerShare Food & Funds Drive is Saturday August 26 10AM-12PM
Our next SummerShare Food & Funds Drive is Saturday August 26 10AM-12PM - PORCH PICKUP FOOD DRIVE in Vineland-Jordan (Lincoln) — We Make a Village by the Care We Share.

Village of Hope Niagara Impact July 2023

Back To School campaign is on now, for Lincoln children in need.
Your donation to Village of Hope Niagara Back To School Fund will ensure children receive school supplies, healthy snacks all year, new shoes, and haircuts, for their year ahead. How will you help? - Donate for our internet supplement - Donate for school supplies - Sponsor a child for $50

Village of Hope Niagara - Diamond Award 1st Place – Favourite Non-Profit/Foundation - 2023
With heartfelt gratitude to our community of support in Grimsby-Lincoln, Village of Hope Niagara have been notified of our having been recognized through voting in the community, in the Niagara This Week 2023 Reader's Choice Awards with their Diamond Award 1st Place – Favourite Non-Profit/Foundation - Niagara This Week/Grimsby-Lincoln…

Food Exchange Niagara in second year of service
Food Exchange Niagara was initiated as a new program among Village of Hope Niagara, Open Arms Mission of Welland Inc and other Niagara Region non-profit, charity-based food providers, for balancing the variety, and quantity of foods available to our neighbours in need. As foods are donated to Village of Hope Niagara and others, sometimes in bulk, and especially following our food drives, we often find our shelves full but with surplus of some foods while lacking a desired variety, or when we receive a shipment of fresh produce

Niagara College donates student-prepared meals to Village of Hope Niagara
Village of Hope Niagara is thankful to partner with Niagara College Canada Culinary Skills Program at The Canadian Food and Wine Institute in their Feed the Community initiative. Today we received student prepared meals designed and prepared with Seniors in mind, …

Caribbean Latin American Community Open House July 19
Village of Hope Niagara fundraising event, for the children of our neighbours in need, we're having a little fiesta, a Caribbean/Latin American Community Open House - with special guest Kenn Lewis Steel Drum Band - there'll be amazing food, and some giveaways too - Mark The Date - July 19 from 5PM-7PM

Jewellery Appraisal at Village of Hope Niagara
June 29 from 5PM to 7PM – Village of Hope Niagara Food Bank Thrift Store are hosting a Jewellery Appraiser. All proceeds support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara.

Village of Hope Niagara's Healthy Snack Program Summer Long
Village of Hope Niagara's Healthy Snack Program fills a gap between home and school, and more families need our help to support their children. We've extended this initiative into the Summer now, and families will be able to visit our Centre on a weekly basis to receive a …

Great Canadian Giving Challenge A Chance For Village of Hope Niagara
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is back! Donate to Village of Hope Niagara during June to automatically give our community a chance to WIN $20,000 during the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Every $1* donated gives Village of Hope Niagara the chance to win, so the more you give, the greater the chances we have to WIN the grand prize!

Garden of Hope marks the start of Summer in the Village
Planting the seeds and seedlings has begun, thanks to the dedicated efforts of Village of Hope Niagara Operations Manager, Joe McCarthy with Friend of the Village, Jeff Riley hard at work readying this year's expanded Community Garden. With funding from an TD Friends of the Environment grant, this year's garden features raised beds for greater…