Great Canadian Giving Challenge A Chance For Village of Hope Niagara
Your donations made during June can help us win $20,000 in the Great Canadian Giving Challenge and make a real impact! Every dollar counts. Donate today: Village of Hope Niagara
The Great Canadian Giving Challenge is back! Donate to Village of Hope Niagara during June to automatically give our community a chance to WIN $20,000 during the Great Canadian Giving Challenge. Every $1 donated gives Village of Hope Niagara the chance to win, so the more you give, the greater the chances we have to WIN the grand prize!
Our programs sustain our neighbours in need through difficult days. Demand on our food bank continues to remain high with new registrations of 9 families, 12 individuals (4 seniors), 23 emergency visits for food, and 41 residence deliveries of food. Village of Hope Niagara advocated and assisted 16 families, 4 seniors with our Emergency Rent/Utilities Program, averting shelter crisis for our neighbours. Your donations make our work possible.
Village of Hope Niagara, with our team of more than 80 local volunteers, provides access to our food bank, and more than 30 positive, preventative, and proactive programs of assistance – benefiting more than 1700 people monthly, throughout the year.
With your support, Village of Hope Niagara is extending food security to all in Lincoln, because NO ONE should go to bed HUNGRY in our community.