Hope Notes

Hope Notes features periodic announcements and news of activities relevant to the community of Village of Hope Niagara – News of changes affecting our clients, volunteers, and supporters regarding our programs of assistance and empowerment, food bank, and thrift store serving the communities of Lincoln, Beamsville, Jordan, Vineland, Campden, and area in Niagara Region.


December 19 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

December 19 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Neil. Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday December 19, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for the draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn was 83688 held by Neil and with a prize value of $2514. Congratulations, Neil. The chosen envelope number was 34 and revealed the 2 of clubs.

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 19
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 19

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday December 19, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 12
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 12

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday December 12, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

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Heritage Village generosity raises food and funds for Village of Hope Niagara’s Season of Hope
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Heritage Village generosity raises food and funds for Village of Hope Niagara’s Season of Hope

Over $15,000 was raised, and so much food collected for our Season of Hope hampers also, at Heritage Village (December 7, 2024) today by the residents. All of today's donations are being #matched by a generous family donation from Grimsby. Our heartfelt thanks to all who so generously shared for our community today. Our Heritage Village donors make an enormous impact in our community, and we are so grateful! It takes a Village...

#today Heritage Village - Saturday Dec 7 10AM - 12PM Food and Funds Drive

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December 5 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

December 5 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Tom! Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday December 5, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for the draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 78427 held by Tom and with a prize value of $2,062. Congratulations, Tom. The chosen envelope number was 50 and revealed the Queen of Clubs. 1552 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $50,368.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, December 12 draw go On Sale tomorrow, Friday, December 6 at 10AM. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $56,000.

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 5
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thurs., Dec. 5

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday December 5, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 78427 held by Tom and with a prize value of $2,062. Congratulations, Tom. The chosen envelope number was 50 and revealed the Queen of Clubs. 1552 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $50,368.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, December 12 draw go On Sale tomorrow, Friday, December 6 at 10AM. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $56,000.

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Village of Hope Niagara's Season of Hope campaign needs your sponsorship of those in need
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Village of Hope Niagara's Season of Hope campaign needs your sponsorship of those in need

With your support, Village of Hope Niagara can provide those comforts that we all wish for at this holiday time of year, and give Hope for a brighter Season.

You can make your support with a financial contribution to cover the cost, or choose a tree, or bell, from our Season of Hope wall and purchase food and gifts, and fill a hamper, or choose an angel representing a child, and purchase their wish list gift. If you would like to like more information, please reach out to us, we currently have over 300 families registered.

Sponsor a Family $250 • Sponsor a Senior $100 • Sponsor a Child $50 — All hampers must be returned from December 13-15, at the latest.

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November 28 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

November 28 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Luca! Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday November 28, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln…

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 28
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 28

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday November 28, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 77425 and with a prize value of $2,118 Congratulations, Luca. The chosen envelope number was 15 and revealed the Queen of Hearts. 1596 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $47,275 Tickets for next week's Thursday, December 5 draw go On Sale tomorrow, Friday, November 29 at 10AM. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $53,000.

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November 21 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

November 21 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Mike! Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday November 21, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 74603 held by Mike and with a prize value of $1,762. Congratulations, Mike. The chosen envelope number was 5 and revealed the 5 of Hearts. 1309 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $44,098.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, November 28 draw are On Sale NOW. Our next combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $50,000.

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Week 39 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday Nov 28
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Week 39 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday Nov 28

Now $50,000. Wow! Our next drawing of Catch The Ace at Village of Hope Niagara is Thursday, November 28. Where is that Ace of Spades? The elusive ACE remains to be found, but each week draws closer to a reveal. Tickets on SALE NOW for Week 39 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Draw Date Thursday November 28, with a combined jackpot prize estimated at over $50,000. Get your tickets NOW for our Catch The Ace available 6 Days a Week, Monday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM, and until 5:30PM on draw date, ONLY at our centre, 2540 South Service Rd., Lincoln (Jordan) $10.00 each, or 3 for $20.00, or more. Only 2000 tickets are available for each drawHave you got your tickets yet? You do not need to be present to win the draw.

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Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday November 28 Week 39
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday November 28 Week 39

Now $50,000. Wow! Our next drawing of Catch The Ace at Village of Hope Niagara is Thursday, November 28. Where is that Ace of Spades? The elusive ACE remains to be found, but each week draws closer to a reveal. Tickets on SALE NOW for Week 39 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Draw Date Thursday November 28, with a combined jackpot prize estimated at over $50,000. Get your tickets NOW for our Catch The Ace available 6 Days a Week, Monday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM, and until 5:30PM on draw date, ONLY at our centre, 2540 South Service Rd., Lincoln (Jordan) $10.00 each, or 3 for $20.00, or more. Only 2000 tickets are available for each drawHave you got your tickets yet? You do not need to be present to win the draw.

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 21
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 21

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday November 21, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 74603 held by Mike and with a prize value of $1,762. Congratulations, Mike. The chosen envelope number was 5 and revealed the 5 of Hearts. 1309 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $44,098.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, November 28 draw go On Sale tomorrow, Friday, November 22 at 10AM. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $50,000.

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November 14 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

November 14 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Karen! Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday November 14, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn was 72674 held by Karen M. and with a prize value of $1,914. Congratulations, Karen. Her chosen envelope number was 46 and revealed the 10 of Diamonds. 1,436 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw. The Grand Prize jackpot was $41,470.50. Tickets for next week's Thursday, November 21 draw are On Sale Now. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $47,000…

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Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday November 21
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday November 21

Now $47,000. Wow! Our next drawing of Catch The Ace at Village of Hope Niagara is Thursday, November 21. Where is that Ace of Spades? The elusive ACE remains to be found, but each week draws closer to a reveal. Tickets on SALE NOW for Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Draw Date Thursday, November 21, with a combined jackpot prize estimated at over $47,000. Get your tickets NOW for our Catch The Ace available 6 Days a Week, Monday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM, and until 5:30PM on draw date, ONLY at our centre, 2540 South Service Rd., Lincoln (Jordan) $10.00 each, or 3 for $20.00, or more. Only 2000 tickets are available for each draw – Have you got your tickets yet? You do not need to be present to win the draw…

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Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday Nov 21
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Thursday Nov 21

Now $47,000. Wow! Our next drawing of Catch The Ace at Village of Hope Niagara is Thursday, November 21. Where is that Ace of Spades? The elusive ACE remains to be found, but each week draws closer to a reveal. Tickets on SALE NOW for Week 38 of Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The ACE Draw Date Thursday November 21, with a combined jackpot prize estimated at over $47,000. Get your tickets NOW for our Catch The Ace available 6 Days a Week, Monday - Saturday 10AM to 4PM, and until 5:30PM on draw date, ONLY at our centre, 2540 South Service Rd., Lincoln (Jordan) $10.00 each, or 3 for $20.00, or more. Only 2000 tickets are available for each drawHave you got your tickets yet?You do not need to be present to win the draw.

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Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 14
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday, Nov. 14

Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn tonight at 6PM, Thursday November 14, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn tonight was 72674 held by Karen M. and with a prize value of $1,914. Congratulations, Karen. Her chosen envelope number was 46 and revealed the 10 of Diamonds. 1,436 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw tonight. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $41,470.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, November 21 draw go On Sale tomorrow, Friday, November 15 at 10AM. Next week's combined Grand Prize jackpot estimated to exceed $47,000.

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Village of Hope Niagara's Season of Hope campaign invites your sponsorship of those in need
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

Village of Hope Niagara's Season of Hope campaign invites your sponsorship of those in need

With your support, Village of Hope Niagara can provide those comforts that we all wish for at this holiday time of year, and give Hope for a brighter Season.

You can make your support with a financial contribution to cover the cost, or choose a tree, or bell, from our Season of Hope wall and purchase food and gifts, and fill a hamper, or choose an angel representing a child, and purchase their wish list gift. If you would like to like more information, please reach out to us, we currently have over 300 families registered.

Sponsor a Family $250 • Sponsor a Senior $100 • Sponsor a Child $50 — All hampers must be returned from December 13-15, at the latest.

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November 7 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque
Cheryl Keddy Scott Cheryl Keddy Scott

November 7 Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN winner presented cheque

Congratulations, Mike! Our Catch The ACE Lincoln VoHN was drawn at 6PM, Thursday November 7, 2024. We're grateful for everyone who purchased tickets for tonight's draw. The proceeds of our raffle draw support the programs of Village of Hope Niagara, helping our neighbours in need in Lincoln.

The winning ticket drawn was 70588 held by Mike and with a prize value of $1,890. Congratulations, Mike. His chosen envelope number was 48 and revealed the 10 of Hearts. 1400 tickets were sold for Village of Hope Niagara's Catch The Ace Lincoln VoHN draw. Tonight's Grand Prize jackpot was $38,599.50 Tickets for next week's Thursday, November 14 draw are on sale now. Tickets are limited, only 2000 are available each week. Get your tickets NOW for our Catch The Ace available 6 Days a…

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